thanks for ur reply mark ..

did that too... no success ....!!

are any specific privileges required ?? something that wouldnt be needed when
working directly from sql but needed when
execution takes place from a CF-template ??


----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Ireland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: ODBC S1000 error

> Sanjay, try explicitly naming the owner of the table in the insert query.
> INSERT whatever into sanjay.yourTable (yourField) value(yourValue)

> At 04:21 PM 27/04/01, you wrote:
> >Hi gurus
> >I am new to this list so pls forgive me if this is a repetition, and pls
> >let ,e
> >know where i could locate the solution.
> >I am on CF 4.5.1 /NT4 sp6a
> >I have a cf-template that calls a procedure which makes (1) an insert into my
> >local database and
> >(2) an insert into a remote database using a dblink (for backup purposes).
> >The  insert into the remote db fails leading to an error (S1000 ODBC error).
> >Theres no prob with the insert on the local database.
> >However, if i execute the procedure directly from my SQL, the insert goes
> >smoothly both in the local as well as the
> >remore database.
> >I tried putting a db trigger that would do the remote db insert. Same problem
> >there ..
> >What shud i do ?
> >Thanks
> >sanjay

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