
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001 06:37:02  
 paul . wrote:
>hi Guys please do help\
>am using a cfinput to get the data from the dartabse for further editing in the cfm 
>that field has been validated for integer , but the hasty user key in "4_2 " instead 
>of 42 i.e they leave a space inbetween the nembers.which results in seeing the seeor 
>page, i tried with cferror in application.cfm pointing to another error.page,(it is 
>not working), 
>So Guys suggest me how to make this sitaition not so complicated, and make the users 
>to enter only the valid numbers
>well the javacript i used gives the alert but when i clik to proceed ends up in the 
>same error
>the error is:
>An unexpected token "1" was found following "tier_1_ident_phys=1". Expected tokens 
>may include: "". SQLSTATE=42601 
>this is what i used my code-
><cfinput name="physicians_identified" value="#ident_phys_result#" type="text" 
>message="Physicians Identified needs to be a number between 0 and 9999"  
>validate="integer" ONVALIDATE="checknumber()">
><script language="JavaScript1.2">
>function checknumber(){
>var x=document.num.physicians_identified.value
>var anum=/(^\d+$)|(^\d+\.\d+$)/
>if (anum.test(x))
>alert("Please input a valid number!")
>return (testresult)
>function checkban(){
>if (document.layers||document.all)
>return checknumber()
>return true
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