This isn't quite an answer but another approach... On my last
load-balanced arrangement, we put the document root (as well as images,
etc...) on a samba share on the file server (on a raid array) which all
the webservers mounted as their root... No replication or deployment
issues at all...

Now we did have problems when a webserver would reboot and the share
wouldn't be up yet and the webserver would have no document root... but we
fixed that too...

In your case, you might simply think of putting the uploaded files on a
single share...

> I am having problems replicating images across to load balanced servers. We
> have users that are upload images to one server and need to have an
> automated way to check the other server for this file and if it doesn't
> exist we need to transfer a copy over. Has anyone came across any solutions
> for this. Thanks for any help!
> Rick
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