go to Allaire devX and grab the securePack download. there is a custom tag
in there that will create a DB structure for roll based community security.
You can add as many groups as you want and the cf_addremoveuser tag will
allow you add users and do group assignments on the fly.

There is a management console that goes with the secure pack called security
manager you can get that from my site for a fee, but the custom tags are

Bryan LaPlante

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Lugassy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2001 11:38 AM
Subject: Quick DB Design

> I'm trying to normalize a table to best hold the following data:
> username, group1, group2, group3, group4... groupN...
> there are 1000s of unique usernames, and 10000s of unique groups
> every user can subscribe to 1-10000 diffrent groups (so I don't know how
much group colums to put).
> I need somehow to maintain a list of subscribed groups for each user.
> is there a better way then 2 fields like the following:
> username (nvarchar(30)
> groups (longtext) = > group1,group3,group15,group7,group9 ?
> Thanks,
> -=Michael.
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