The verity search is case sensitive.  It could be that one of the 
Franks is mixed case. frank or Frank

It is a good idea to change the search text to uppercase using 
#UCASE(searchtext)# function if you can as this will remove this problem.


At 16:36 07/05/01 +0800 David Siew said....
>Hi all,
>I am having some problems with the indexing of Verity collections.
>I am trying to index an SQL query from an Access database. Its a simple
>query where I selected the ID, Name from a table. The collection has been
>defined in CFAdmin and I updated the collection as below:
><cfindex action="update" collection="Names" key="customer_ID" type="CUSTOM"
>title="CustomerName" query="getNames" body="customername"
>Afterwhich I tried searching for records containing the word "frank". There
>were at least 4 "frank"s in the whole database but it kept giving me only 3
>of them.
>I have tried recreating the collection but it still left out the last
>"frank". Is there anyway I can see what Verity has indexed? I displayed the
>query results directly and the results seemed to be correct.

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