On 5/8/01 6:52 AM Kola Oyedeji wrote:

> I am passing a query object which consists of 1000 records in a hidden form
> field between pages as a
> WDDX packet, are there any reasons why this is a bad idea, such as limits to
> the amount of data which can be held in a form field or passed in a form?

I did a similar thing but rather than pass the WDDX pack in a form field I
wrote it to a local file using CFFILE. Each search (query) was givan a
search_id that I used to name the local file. I pass the search_id in the
hidden field, then on the next page I read it in, deserialized, and output.

It was way faster than rerunning the query, and although caching the query
would be faster, it was not possible because the query itself was generated
dynamically (based on an advanced search form), so with many concurrent
users it would have used up the max 100 cached queries on my server, which I
wanted to reserve for other more consistent queries.

- Sean
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