Like Howie said before, the ColdFusion Application Server service must be logged on as 
a user with network rights, not the LocalSystem account.  From your posts I surmise 
the drive you are trying to write to is a mapped network drive...

Is that correct?

If so, you will need to edit the CFAS service to log on as a user with admin rights.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Foggy, Doreen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 12:16 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CFFILE
> I don't think it is a permission problem.  I set the permission on the
> folder to everyone and still received the same error. It may be a network
> problem.  When I upload the file to my hard drive destination 
> path="c:\"  It
> works.  Any other path on my server returns the same error.  Please
> advise...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> ----------------------------------------
> Error Diagnostic Information
> Error processing CFFILE
> The directory specified in the DESTINATION attribute of the 
> CFFILE tag (g:\)
> is not valid. The directory either does not exist or is not accessible by
> the ColdFusion service.
> The error occurred while processing an element with a general 
> identifier of
> (CFFILE), occupying document position (21:1) to (24:33).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:48 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFFILE
> If you are using UNC paths then you need to run CF under a user 
> account with
> rights to the folder on the other server.  By default,
> CF runs under the system account.  You can change this in the NT Services
> applet.
> HTH,
> Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
> On-Line Data Solutions, Inc.
> 631-737-4668 x101
> inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Intelligent Mail Server
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Foggy, Doreen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 11:43 AM
> Subject: CFFILE
> > Error Diagnostic Information
> > Error processing CFFILE
> > The directory specified in the DESTINATION attribute of the CFFILE tag
> > chh-test\www\lmts_int\cic is not valid. The directory either does not
> exist
> > or is not accessible by the ColdFusion service.
> > The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
> of
> > (CFFILE), occupying document position
> >
> >
> > I am using the CFFILE tag for the first time and I am running into some
> > problems.  Please Help!  The directory does exist and I am not sure what
> > accessible by the ColdFuison service means.  The directory is located on
> the
> > web server.
> > * I have two forms
> > * upload.cfm (html form)
> > * uploadfile.cfm (action page)
> >
> > The syntax for both is located below:
> >
> > Upload.cfm
> > <title>WebStar: Contracts Online</title>
> > </head>
> > <body background="image/background_blue.gif" text="White" link="Silver"
> > vlink="Yellow" alink="White">
> > <img src="image/file.gif" width="1200" height="50" border="0" alt="">
> > <!--- This document was created with Cold Fusion Studio --->
> > <FORM ACTION="uploadfile.cfm" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"METHOD=POST>
> >   <table
> >   border="0">
> >     <tr>
> >       <td>File to upload:</td>
> >       <td>
> >         <input name="FileName" size=50 type=FILE>
> >       </td>
> >     </tr>
> >     <tr>
> >       <td>File Destination:</td>
> >       <td>
> >   <input type="text" name="FileDestination"
> > value="\\chh-test\www\lmts_int\cic" size="50">
> >        <input type=SUBMIT size=50 value="Upload" name="SUBMIT">
> >       </td>
> >     </tr>
> >   </table>
> >   &nbsp;
> > </FORM>
> > </BODY>
> > </HTML>
> >
> > Upload.cfm
> > <title>WebStar: Contracts Online</title>
> > </head>
> > <body background="image/background_blue.gif" text="White" link="Silver"
> > vlink="Yellow" alink="White">
> > <img src="image/file.gif" width="1200" height="50" border="0" alt="">
> > <!--- This document was created with Cold Fusion Studio --->
> > <cffile action="UPLOAD"
> >         filefield="FileName"
> >         destination="#form.FileDestination#"
> >         nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
> > <CENTER>
> > CF 3.1 CFFILE Tag File Upload Demonstration Results - Example 1<P>
> > File Upload was Successful! Information about the file is 
> detailed below.
> > </CENTER>
> > <HR>
> > <TABLE>
> > <CAPTION><B>File Information</B></CAPTION>
> > <TR>
> > Name:</TH><TD>#File.ServerDirectory#\#FILE.ServerFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Content Type:</TH><TD>#File.ContentType#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Content SubType:</TH>
> > <TD>#File.ContentSubType#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client Path:</TH>
> <TD>#File.ClientDirectory#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client File:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client
> > FileName:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFileName#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client
> FileExt:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFileExt#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server 
> Path:</TH><TD>#File.ServerDirectory#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server File:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server
> > FileName:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFileName#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server
> FileExt:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFileExt#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Attempted
> > ServerFile:</TH><TD>#File.AttemptedServerFile#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Existed?</TH><TD>#File.FileExisted#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was 
> Saved?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasSaved#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Overwritten?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasOverWritten#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Appended?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasAppended#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Renamed?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasRenamed#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Size:</TH><TD>#File.Filesize#</TD></TH>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Old File Size:</TH><TD>#File.OldFileSize#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date Last
> > Accessed:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.DateLastAccessed,'DD MMM YY')#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date/Time
> > Created:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.TimeCreated,'DD MMM YY')#
> > #Timeformat(File.TimeCreated,'HH:MM:SS')#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date/Time
> > Modified:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.TimeLastModified,'DD MMM YY')#
> > #Timeformat(File.TimeLastModified,'HH:MM:SS')#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > </TABLE>
> > </BODY>
> > </HTML>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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