Well, I don't know how you missed this huge html table in the studio docs ;)

(from cf studio 4.5.2 docs):

Note  Although the "File" prefix is still supported, it has been deprecated in favor 
of the "CFFILE" prefix.

The following file upload status parameters are available after an upload.

AttemptedServerFile  Initial name ColdFusion used attempting to save a file, for 
example, myfile.txt.
ClientDirectory  Directory location of the file uploaded from the client's system.
ClientFile  Name of the file uploaded from the client's system.
ClientFileExt  Extension of the uploaded file on the client's system without a period, 
for example, txt not .txt.
ClientFileName  Filename without an extension of the uploaded file on the client's 
ContentSubType  MIME content subtype of the saved file.  
ContentType  MIME content type of the saved file.  
DateLastAccessed  Date and time the uploaded file was last accessed.  
FileExisted  Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not the file already existed with the 
same path.
FileSize  Size of the uploaded file.
FileWasAppended  Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not ColdFusion appended the uploaded 
file to an existing file.
FileWasOverwritten  Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not ColdFusion overwrote a file.
FileWasRenamed  Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not the uploaded file was renamed to 
avoid a name conflict.
FileWasSaved  Indicates (Yes or No) whether or not Cold Fusion saved a file.
OldFileSize  Size of a file that was overwritten in the file upload operation.
ServerDirectory  Directory of the file actually saved on the server.
ServerFile  Filename of the file actually saved on the server.
ServerFileExt  Extension of the uploaded file on the server, without a period, for 
example, txt not .txt.
ServerFileName  Filename, without an extension, of the uploaded file on the server.
TimeCreated  Time the uploaded file was created.
TimeLastModified  Date and time of the last modification to the uploaded file.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 2:03 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: CFFILE BTW
> by the way: what are the properites I can use for file (after 
> cffile/upload)
> I know #file.serverfile#
> how can I get a list of them? the documentation says nothing.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Foggy, Doreen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 5:43 PM
> Subject: CFFILE
> > Error Diagnostic Information
> > Error processing CFFILE
> > The directory specified in the DESTINATION attribute of the CFFILE tag
> > chh-test\www\lmts_int\cic is not valid. The directory either does not
> exist
> > or is not accessible by the ColdFusion service.
> > The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier
> of
> > (CFFILE), occupying document position
> >
> >
> > I am using the CFFILE tag for the first time and I am running into some
> > problems.  Please Help!  The directory does exist and I am not sure what
> > accessible by the ColdFuison service means.  The directory is located on
> the
> > web server.
> > * I have two forms
> > * upload.cfm (html form)
> > * uploadfile.cfm (action page)
> >
> > The syntax for both is located below:
> >
> > Upload.cfm
> > <title>WebStar: Contracts Online</title>
> > </head>
> > <body background="image/background_blue.gif" text="White" link="Silver"
> > vlink="Yellow" alink="White">
> > <img src="image/file.gif" width="1200" height="50" border="0" alt="">
> > <!--- This document was created with Cold Fusion Studio --->
> > <FORM ACTION="uploadfile.cfm" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"METHOD=POST>
> >   <table
> >   border="0">
> >     <tr>
> >       <td>File to upload:</td>
> >       <td>
> >         <input name="FileName" size=50 type=FILE>
> >       </td>
> >     </tr>
> >     <tr>
> >       <td>File Destination:</td>
> >       <td>
> >   <input type="text" name="FileDestination"
> > value="\\chh-test\www\lmts_int\cic" size="50">
> >        <input type=SUBMIT size=50 value="Upload" name="SUBMIT">
> >       </td>
> >     </tr>
> >   </table>
> >   &nbsp;
> > </FORM>
> > </BODY>
> > </HTML>
> >
> > Upload.cfm
> > <title>WebStar: Contracts Online</title>
> > </head>
> > <body background="image/background_blue.gif" text="White" link="Silver"
> > vlink="Yellow" alink="White">
> > <img src="image/file.gif" width="1200" height="50" border="0" alt="">
> > <!--- This document was created with Cold Fusion Studio --->
> > <cffile action="UPLOAD"
> >         filefield="FileName"
> >         destination="#form.FileDestination#"
> >         nameconflict="OVERWRITE">
> > <CENTER>
> > CF 3.1 CFFILE Tag File Upload Demonstration Results - Example 1<P>
> > File Upload was Successful! Information about the file is 
> detailed below.
> > </CENTER>
> > <HR>
> > <TABLE>
> > <CAPTION><B>File Information</B></CAPTION>
> > <TR>
> > Name:</TH><TD>#File.ServerDirectory#\#FILE.ServerFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Content Type:</TH><TD>#File.ContentType#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Content SubType:</TH>
> > <TD>#File.ContentSubType#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client Path:</TH>
> <TD>#File.ClientDirectory#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client File:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client
> > FileName:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFileName#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Client
> FileExt:</TH><TD>#File.ClientFileExt#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server 
> Path:</TH><TD>#File.ServerDirectory#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server File:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFile#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server
> > FileName:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFileName#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Server
> FileExt:</TH><TD>#File.ServerFileExt#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Attempted
> > ServerFile:</TH><TD>#File.AttemptedServerFile#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Existed?</TH><TD>#File.FileExisted#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was 
> Saved?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasSaved#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Overwritten?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasOverWritten#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Appended?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasAppended#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Was
> > Renamed?</TH><TD>#File.FileWasRenamed#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>File Size:</TH><TD>#File.Filesize#</TD></TH>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top ALIGN=LEFT>Old File Size:</TH><TD>#File.OldFileSize#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date Last
> > Accessed:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.DateLastAccessed,'DD MMM YY')#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > <TR>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date/Time
> > Created:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.TimeCreated,'DD MMM YY')#
> > #Timeformat(File.TimeCreated,'HH:MM:SS')#</TD>
> > <TH VALIGN=top align=LEFT>Date/Time
> > Modified:</TH><TD>#DateFormat(File.TimeLastModified,'DD MMM YY')#
> > #Timeformat(File.TimeLastModified,'HH:MM:SS')#</TD>
> > </TR>
> > </TABLE>
> > </BODY>
> > </HTML>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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