How about using the query caching attributes of CFQUERY if your queries are
pretty stable and unchanging?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 11 May 2001 14:50
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: structure in request scope
> I find it easier and simpler to put the query in request scope in
> the first
> place (not really necessary) and cache it.  That way, none of the
> below is
> necessary.
> best,  paul
> At 09:27 AM 5/11/01 -0400, you wrote:
> >And to wrap it all up
> >
> >You want to write the query in a persistent scope.  But since
> every time you
> >write to or access a persistent scope you must lock the access,
> you want to
> >copy the query to the request scope in the application.cfm.  This way you
> >will only nead to bother with the locking process when creating the query
> >and copying to the request scope.  Everywhere else in your site
> you'll call
> >the request variable to access the query info... and you won't
> have to use a
> >lock.
> >
> >so your application.cfm would look something like this.
> >
> ><!--- Create the query in a persistent scope --->
> ><cflock  scope="APPLICATION" throwontimeout="No" timeout="1"
> >type="EXCLUSIVE">
> >         <cfif NOT isdefined("application.myquery")>
> >                 <cfquery name="application.myquery" datasource="mydsn">
> >                         [SQL Stuff]
> >                 </cfquery>
> >         </cfif>
> ></cflock>
> >
> ><!--- Copy the query to the request scope --->
> ><cflock scope="APPLICATION" throwontimeout="No" timeout="1"
> type="READONLY">
> >         <cfset request.myquery = duplicate(application.myquery)>
> ></cflock>
> >
> >|-----Original Message-----
> >|From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >|Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:54 AM
> >|To: CF-Talk
> >|Subject: Re: structure in request scope
> >|
> >|
> >|On 5/10/01 1:59 AM Mark Ireland wrote:
> >|
> >|> Could someone tell me how to load a structure into the
> >|request scope in the
> >|> application.cfm
> >|>
> >|> once only when a user first visits a page. That is, check that the
> >|> structure is there and dont rerun the query code if it is
> >|>
> >|> unless a change has been made to the database.
> >|
> >|It sounds like you want to put the structure into a persistent
> >|scope, which
> >|request is not. Use the application scope instead if it is
> >|global to all
> >|users. If not, client or session scope.
> >|
> >|<cfif isdefined("application.strFoo")>
> >|    <cflock type="exclusive" scope="application" name="strLock">
> >|        <cfset application.strFoo = structnew()>
> >|        <!--- etc --->
> >|    </cflock>
> >|</cfif>
> >|
> >|
> >|- Sean
> >|
> >
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