OK when I use:
<cfquery name="get_shipratedollars" datasource="#config.datasource#"
select shiprate from shipratesdollars
where '#total#' >=shipfrom
and '#total#' <= shipto

I get multiple records returned.

 When I get rid of the tick marks:
<cfquery name="get_shipratedollars" datasource="#config.datasource#"
select shiprate from shipratesdollars
where #total# >=shipfrom
and #total# <= shipto

I get Data type mismatch in criteria expression.



-----Original Message-----
From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 7:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query Help!!

These queries give me:
ODBC Error Code = S1000 (General error)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Circular reference caused by alias
'shipRate' in query definition's SELECT list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Love [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 5:35 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Query Help!!

it's impossible to know what's wrong without knowing the values of the
session variables at any given time

You'll notice that you don't need to do a comparison on both numbers:
        <cfquery name="myQuery"...
        SELECT max(shipRate) AS shipRate
        FROM shipRatesDollars
        WHERE shipFrom <= #val(session.total)#
        SELECT min(shipRate) AS shipRate
        FROM shipRatesDollars
        WHERE shipTo >= #val(session.total)#

Either of these will return the one value you need

Also if you're sure the columns in the DB will always be sorted in ascending
order then just do this:
        <cfquery name="myQuery" maxrows="1"...
        SELECT shipRate
        FROM shipRatesDollars
        WHERE shipTo >= #val(session.total)#

This time the first record in the DB where shipTo is greater than your
session variable is the one you want and will be the only one returned.

You may have noticed by now that you only need to have shipFrom OR shipTo in
the DB table, you do not need both :)

Bryan Love ACP
Internet Application Developer

-----Original Message-----
From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 1:01 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Query Help!!

Does anyone see any problems with the following query:

<cfquery name="get_shipratedollars" datasource="#config.datasource#">
Select shiprate from shipratesdollars
WHERE '#session.total#' >= shipfrom
and '#session.total#' <= shipto

I can not figure out why I am getting incorrect results.  Sometimes it will
pull more than one record and sometimes it will pull the max record only.
Here is a copy of the table I am using named shipratedollars.

ID      shiprate        shipfrom             shipto
1       4.00             0.00         50.00
2       6.00            50.01        100.00
3       8.00           100.01        200.00
4       12.00          200.01        300.00
5       18.00          300.01        500.00
6       25.00          500.01        750.00
7       40.00          750.01       1000.00
8       50.00         1000.01       1500.00
9       70.00         1500.01       2000.00
10      100.00  2000.00        99999.00

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