take out your 2nd <tr> from inside the loop

<cfoutput query="getDeptR">

<td align="center">#NumberFormat(getDeptR.cono,'___')#</td>
<td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 9>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
<td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 10>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
<td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 1>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
<td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 3>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
<td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 2>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>


Corrine Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am pulling info from my database and trying to display in a table.
Here is my code

<cfquery name="getDeptR" datasource="fsc_intranet">
SELECT company.cono, company.coname, fsc_personnel.FirstName,
fsc_personnel.employeeid, fsc_personnel.email,
 company_responsibility.cono, company_responsibility.roleid,
FROM company RIGHT JOIN (company_responsibility RIGHT JOIN FSC_personnel 
ON [company_responsibility].[employeeid]=[FSC_personnel].[employeeid]) 
ON [company].[CONO]=[company_responsibility].[CONO]
Where company.cono > 0
Order By Coname ASC

<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1">
    <td>FSC #</td>
    <td align="center">AP</td>
    <td>Payroll Processor</td>
        <cfoutput query="getDeptR">
    <td align="center">#NumberFormat(getDeptR.cono,'___')#</td>
        <td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 9>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
    <td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 10>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
    <td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 1>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
    <td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 3>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>
    <td><cfif #getDeptR.roleid# eq 2>#getDeptR.Firstname#</cfif></td>

Here is what displays

        Department Responsibilities     
FSC #   Franchise       Controller      Analyst Revenue AP      Payroll
95      2JR                             Sheryl          
95      2JR                                     Vickie  
95      2JR                     Crystal                 
95      2JR             Tim                             
95      2JR     Tony                                    
69      AG Hospitalities                                        Virginia

69      AG Hospitalities                Charlie                         
69      AG Hospitalities        Joanne                                  
98      ALTES           Darla                           
98      ALTES                                   Vickie  
98      ALTES   Erin                                    
98      ALTES                   Shannon                 
98      ALTES                           Chris           

And I want it on one line.  Can anyone help?

Corrine Clark

316-689-0049 x 383

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