Matthew Hood wrote:

> Ok, My form works like a champ in Netscape and I run
> into no problems in IE5 but I get a javascript error
> in IE4. Since I have no javascript on the page I can
> only assume it is the javascript that is auto-generated
> by my <CFINPUT TYPE="Radio" REQUIRED="Yes" ... ...>
> Anyone else run into problems using required=yes under IE4?
> Is there any way around it?
> Matt Hood

What's more, after clicking either yes or no, the form
will continue onto the next page. If there is no way
to make it compatible with IE4, is there a way to
simply supress the error message?
I am about done with this project and this is the only hurdle
remaining and I feel as if I am gonna trip and fall
flat on my face over a damn javascript error!

Matt Hood

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