Does the server that your Ftp server is running on have contextless login? If not you 
would have to use a fully qualified login name , e.g.,

Lanny Udey
Hofstra University

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Monday, May 14, 2001 >>>
I have tried multiple users and I can FTP through NT just fine.  It just seems 
to be a problem when I use the cfftp through Novell.  

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> Try setting up a new user just to login to ftp and set its home directory to
> crsapps. Make sure this account has the appropriate rights to get to the
> files. I think all you should need is read and file scan.
> Hope that helps.
> Dave Livingston
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua Tipton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 10:41 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: ftp to novell
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> I am trying to ftp to a novell server and am not having the best of luck.  I
> can get the currect directroy to return sys: which is right.  When I try to
> listdir of a direcotyr called crsapps I get nothing.  I have tried /crsapps,
> crsapps. crsapps/*.* and get nothing.  Is there a trick to novell?
> Joshua Tipton
> <cfftp connection="ftp"
>         username="crsser"
>         password="crsser"
>         server=""
>         action="open"
>         stoponerror="yes">
>         <cfftp action="GETCURRENTDIR"
>        stoponerror="Yes"
>        connection="ftp">
>         <cfoutput>#cfftp.returnvalue#</cfoutput>
> <cfftp connection="ftp"
>         action="listdir"
>         directory="/crsapps"
>         name="q"
>         stoponerror="yes">
>         <cftable query="q" htmltable>
>                 <cfcol header="<b>name</b>" text="#name#">
>         </cftable>
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