no. the issue is how you use the info.
A piece of text (eg Search text) like
'; drop table myTable; select name as thatData from sysObjects where '' = '
shouldn't be a problem, if executed like so:
select thatData from myTable where thatValue= '#form.thatvalue#';
but if you do it like this:
<cfset sql = "select * from myTable where thatValue = '" & form.thatValue &
well, I'd be betting that table is dropped and you've got the entire Name
field elements in Sysobjects table returned. no, I'm not going to test that
A major worry is when people don't check their integers.
I've seen it alot of times in code, people assume that the variable, if it
exists, is a integer and let code like this run:
<cfparam name="" default="1">
select * from myTable where ID =
so, test each form element used in the query for validity.
if (not (isdefined('') and isNumeric( = 1; // or
whatever default value
// other checks
and if you do use queries like so:
please, during your checking replace all single quotes in your strings with
2 single quotes, and if your using an Access database you've gotta check for
something else.. what is it? an exclamation mark? oh I can't remember.
----- Original Message -----
From: "sebastian palmigiani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Compromising Security
Is this the most efficient way to check for SQL in form input?
<cfset FORM.FirstName = 'Sebastian'>
<cfset FORM.LastName = 'Palmigiani'>
<cfset FORM.Address = ';drop table members;'>
<cfset FormList = ''>
<cfset FormList = ListAppend(FormList, FORM.FirstName)>
<cfset FormList = ListAppend(FormList, FORM.LastName)>
<cfset FormList = ListAppend(FormList, FORM.Address)>
<cfset SQLList = 'Select,Insert,Delete,Update,Drop,Create,Table'>
<cfloop list="#SQLList#" index="SQL">
<cfif ListContainsNoCase(FormList, SQL)>
<!--- Send back if there are SQL keywords --->
<cflocation url="index.cfm?Message=Error
on 5/22/01 5:27 PM, Bryan Love at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> someone could conceivable type "; drop table [tablename];" into a form
> if they knew the name of the table and mess up the DB
> Bryan Love ACP
> Internet Application Developer
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