
> Is there any good resources on CF/XML integration?  Any good web sites??

I'm giving a free seminar on CF/XML integration sometime in June, in London,
UK. You can sign up for it at


If you can't come, sign up anyway and I'll send you the support pack
(documentation, code samples, links to resources on the web).

> Yea, but how do you grab a .xml page and parse it out into your HTML?  I
> have a company that wants to feed us info, and they have given me a url to a
> ..xml page.  I want to group the info and format the output.  Can CF_SOXML do
> this?

I've written a custom tag which mimics CFQUERY, but uses an XML packet:

<cf_xmlquery       name = "myquery"
                            xmldata = "http://torchbox.com/myxml.xml";
                            xpath = "//people">

<cfoutput query = "myquery">
#person_id# #person_name# <br />

The 'xmldata' field - here shown coming from a URL - can also be a file on
the server or a local variable. You need to know a bit of XPATH to make the
most of it, but it's pretty easy (it's a bit like the XML equivalent of

If you're interested in this tag (I've also written XML versions of CFINSERT
and CFUPDATE) let me know and I'll send you a beta version.


tom dyson
t: 01608 811870
m: 07958 752657

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