> This is my first go around so I won't be using cfcatch/cftry (unless I
> really should)

You *always* should, every time you think you *might* run into *any* type of
error .. and even when you don't think you will, at all.  :)

> but I'm wondering how many of you have the error page
> e-mail you with information?

My take is that the app should always E-mail/contact *someone* .. it means
that the user has done something that no one ever expected and someone needs
to do something about it.

> If so, what information do you have it e-mail to you?

All info that the developer needs to fix the prob and that the user should
never see .. directory path, file name, database error, etc.

> Is there a way to have it capture the "original" error message, the one
> that appears before the pretty new page, and have that e-mailed off to the
> admin?

Look up the help doc on cfcatch/cftry.  The only "pretty page" that the user
needs to see is that an error has occured and that the 'admins' will fix it
soon.  Anything else should provide contact info to follow-up, if needed.

You should be able to combine both functions into one page, so that the app
displays both the error to the user and also E-mails the problem to the


> > I have just written my first web app with cold fusion and I'm wondering
> what
> > standard practice is with cferror....
> >
> > This is my first go around so I won't be using cfcatch/cftry (unless I
> > really should) but I'm wondering how many of you have the error page
> e-mail
> > you with information? If so, what information do you have it e-mail to
> you?
> > Is there a way to have it capture the "original" error message, the one
> that
> > appears before the pretty new page, and have that e-mailed off to the
> admin?
> >
> > Thanks for your time
> >
> > Jason Stevens
> > CF-developer in training

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