Hi All,

I am a CF newbie and getting the hang of it but this is giving me trouble:

I have a query like this on a search action page;

<cfquery name="qCar" datasource="vehicles">
 select *
 from Cars
 where 0=0
 <cfif Trim(Form.Make) is not "">
 and Make='#form.Make#'
 <cfif FORM.Make is not "">
 and Make='#Form.Make#'
 <cfif FORM.Model is not "">
 and Model='#Form.Model#'
 <cfif form.startyear is not "">
 and Year GTE #form.startyear#

so everything works great and displays a table
until I add the last cfif statement.  it tells me there
is a syntax error with 'where 0=0 and Year GTE
1995' (assuming form.staryear was 1995 in this
example).  So it seems my system works great for
the others which are text but I am doing somehting
wrong with the startyear (which is a number)
any help would be greatly appreciated!

by the way:  it works fine if i make the last statement
and Year = #form.startyear# but i want GTE #startyear#



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