
>> Is it allaire's responsibility to make sure *you're* up to speed?

In a nutshell -- Yes -- not from a technical knowledge point of view of 
knowing how to use their product, but defintely from a product availability 
and the business reasons why, I as a customer/developer/client should buy 
their upgrade -- unless, of course, Macromedia is not interested in 
increasing the number of upgrades they sell.  They haven't said anything 
directly to me or my clients as registered users about upgrading and the 
business reasons why? My client's as a registered user don't even know it 
exists and won't unless I tell them).

What is Macromedia's viewpoint on the "business reasons" (not techie 
reasons) that a firm should upgrade to 5.0 -- can anyone point to a source 
on their web site that addresses this issue (here I go hunting instead of 
them providing).

Note: As a comparision, I got an annoucement from Adobe about their new 
Actobat 5.0 product which I promptly went out and bought, because they also 
gave me a few business reasons why to upgrade. Maybe that is one reason why 
Adobe's stock is rising and Macromedia's isn't...

    / \__
   (    @\___
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Dylan Bromby [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:49 AM
To:     CF-Talk
Subject:        RE: CF5 review in eWEEK

as far as being *proactive*, you could have signed up for the CF5.0 beta
test and learned all about it for months before its release. is it 
responsibility to make sure *you're* up to speed? i can't imagine what my
business would be like if i waited for others to educate me about

-----Original Message-----
From: Arden Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 6:26 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF5 review in eWEEK

Sorry you missed my point -- I and my clients buy products from a vendor
(Allaire/Macromedia) and they choose not to keep the paying customer
informed in a proactive manner -- instead they wait for the
customer/client/developer to go to their events/websites to get information
-- is that how you as a developer behave with your customers?

Same with the thread about certification CF4.5 vs 5.0 (recent ongoing
thread) -- regarding the real truth about whether CF4.5 certifcation
transfers to 5.0 and other related issues -- some think so, some do not --
which is it -- guess who could/should set the record straight in a
proactive manner...


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-----Original Message-----
From:   Raymond Camden [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:27 AM
To:     CF-Talk
Subject:        RE: CF5 review in eWEEK

> Sad that this kind of insight is not available direcly from
> Allaire/Macromedia.

Eh? There is nothing in this article that is not available on either the
site, or in the streaming video announcements from last years DevConf (err,
which is ALSO on the web site).

Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Macromedia

ICQ UIN : 3679482

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