Don't know how far you've got, but first step is to set up a development
mapping, and then make sure you can browse the page from within cf studio. 
Then open the page you want to start debugging and set a break point on a
line of cf code. You should do this on any subsequent pages as well, if you
don't it tends to fall over. I've found you can move through many pages,
even via cflocation as long as you have a break in each page.
Click on the start debug arrow button or press ctrl F5. You get to select a
page to start from, make sure you pick the right page and the right
development mapping and click ok. It should go to the page and stop.
Sometimes it takes a couple of goes to connect to the server.
Once in you can step through code, view variables, evaluate variables look
at query record counts, look at the output set watches etc. But so much
easier than staring at a bit of code that doesn't work.   
Maybe I've just been lucky in getting it running - I'm using NT4 CF4.5, but
as far as I know there isn't any reason why it wouldn't, as long as your
developemnt mappings work. Does anyone else know why there are probelms
using it, or is it just the case that most people havn't bothered with it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kola Oyedeji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 June 2001 14:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Use interactive CF debugger!!! : was VeRy tricky evaluate()

After many many attempts i still have not got it working this may be due to
the fact that i'm not sure exactly how it is supposed to work. Do you have
an tips/pointers?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 04 June 2001 14:24
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Use interactive CF debugger!!! : was VeRy tricky evaluate()

Seems to me the only way you could find your way out of this one is to use
the cfstudio step through debugging. You may be doing so already but I get
the impression not many cf developers use this, perhaps because it can be
temperamental. But I've found it invaluable now I've got it working. It can
save you mountains of time and brain ache. I'd recommend spending the time
to get it running.
I had it working on a stand-alone but I'd been led to believe it wouldn't
work well on a network, but it does, sometimes it takes a few attempts to

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 29 May 2001 16:45
To: CF-Talk
Subject: VeRy tricky evaluate()

I'm in a complex situation here which gives NO ERRORS but doesn't seem to
work right.
please help.

My project has several unique sections (where the key=grid)
Every user can upload several images to each group.
everytime he uploads at least 1 file to a new group, I'm assigning him a
session array variable
that is called: "":

<cfif NOT isDefined("")>
<cflock timeout="10" throwontimeout="Yes" type="EXCLUSIVE" scope="SESSION">
<cfset ""=Arraynew(1)>

then I give him the upload form.

after each upload, I'm appending the array with the new file:

<cflock timeout="10" throwontimeout="Yes" type="EXCLUSIVE" scope="SESSION">
<cfset temp=ArrayPrepend(evaluate(""),file.serverfile)>

and now I want to display back the upload form, but with a list of the files
he already uploaded:

first I'm moving the session array into a local variable:

<cfif isDefined("")>
<cflock timeout="10" throwontimeout="Yes" type="READONLY" scope="SESSION">
<cfset a=evaluate("")>

then I'm looping without worrying for locking:

Files that were uploaded to #url.grid#:
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arraylen(a)#">

the a array keeps being EMPTY all the time.
I'm checking that with this:

<cfif NOT isDefined("a") or arraylen(a) eq 0>
You haven't uploaded any pictures to #url.grid# yet.

note that I don't want to :

a. query the db everytime to get the list of files that was uploaded.
b. limit the session timout to 1 minute


Michael Lugassy
IT/WEB Specialist
Interactive Music Ltd.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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