> > I could use a bit of help with what I'm guessing is a fairly
> > easy query. I've got the following:
> >
> > Tables:
> > Resorts
> > NewFor
> >
> > Resorts Table:
> > ResortID pk
> > ResortName
> >
> > NewFor Table:
> > NewForID pk
> > ResortID fk
> > Year
> > News
> >
> > In the NewFor table I've got news for 1999, 2000, 2001, etc.
> > for most (but not all resorts). I want to return rows for all
> > resorts, along with any news there may be for the current year.
> >
> > So the output would be:
> > ResortName, News (for only 2001, which may be null)
> >
> > If I do a join, generally I'm left with only resorts which
> > have news records for the current year, which isn't what I'm
> > after.
> If I understand correctly, you need to use an outer join rather than an
> inner join. An outer join returns all rows from one table, joined to any
> matching rows from the other one:
> SELECT R.ResortName,
> N.News
> FROM Resorts R,
> News N
> WHERE R.ResortID *= N.ResortID
> AND N.Year = #CurrentYear#
> You can also use ANSI join syntax:
> SELECT R.ResortName,
> N.News
> FROM News N
> LEFT OUTER JOIN Resorts R ON R.ResortID = N.ResortID
> AND N.Year = #CurrentYear#
> In either case, you'll get all the resorts, and within each resort row,
> you'll get any news items for that year if they exist. If they don't, the
> News column will contain NULL for that row.

That was my original attempt, in which case the query returns just resorts
with News records for the current year.  Not quite what I expected from an
outer join.

My kludge, until I can find the appropriate SQL approach, is to eliminate
the "N.Year = #CurrentYear#" clause and sort by "ResortID, Year DESC".  This
returns many duplicates, with News for prior years attached to those
duplicates.  When looping over the results, I use only the first record and
throw away the dupes (same as using CFOUTPUT's GROUP attribute in a loop).

SELECT R.ResortName, N.Year, N.News
LEFT OUTER JOIN Resorts R ON R.ResortID = N.ResortID


Aspen        2001      Stuff...
Aspen        2000      More stuff...
Aspen        1999      Even more stuff...
Breckenridge 1999      Old news...
Keystone     NULL      NULL
Steamboat    2000      Some news...
Vail         2001      News...
Vail         1999      More....

SELECT R.ResortName, N.Year, N.News
LEFT OUTER JOIN Resorts R ON R.ResortID = N.ResortID
WHERE N.Year = #CurrentYear#


Aspen        2001      Stuff...
Vail         2001      News...

I'm trying to find a way of getting to:

Aspen        2001      Stuff...
Breckenridge NULL      NULL
Keystone     NULL      NULL
Steamboat    NULL      NULL
Vail         2001      News...

Or, just as well, would be to return the _latest_ News record (and NULL for
resorts that have none), and I could suppress the news output if the year
isn't current.


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