
We have never charged anything for ezEdit, other than custom integration
contracts.  You must be confused.  Being the developer and sole
supporter of this product, I don't recall ever being contacted by you.

If you did indeed purchase our ezEdit product
( I would like
to know where you purchased it from.  We strictly prohibit the resale of
this this component in our license, and this would make me quite upset.

You are though, correct in the fact that we are not supporting this
product(ezEdit) anymore, I only have a finite amount of time and I am
very busy working on version 2.0 (soEditor currently in beta).  Please
understand, this is a free product, and support really takes up a lot of

soEditor is a much more solid product and our next beta release will
really bring things together.  I am happily accepting enhancement
requests as well as taking care of any bug fixes in soEditor.  So feel
free to join the team.

Information, downloads & _support_ can be had here:

On another note, if anyone is doing any SOAP/Webservice work, I would
like to hear from you.  I have some tags that I am finishing up that
facilitates this, (much like soXML is for XML) and I need some informed
testers, before I release it publicly.

Happy Coding,

Brett Suwyn

 ||   -----Original Message-----
 ||   From: JoshMEagle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 ||   Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:34 PM
 ||   To: CF-Talk
 ||   Subject: RE: WYSIWYG editors
 ||   I really like ezEdit, but I paid for a version about a 
 ||   year ago (it's free now), and now they won't respond to 
 ||   my emails when I have trouble with the tag - they're 
 ||   working on a new version so they're not really supporting 
 ||   the old version (even though a lot of us paid for it).
 ||   Joshua Miller
 ||   Web Development
 ||   Eagle Technologies Group
 ||   Technology Solutions for the Next Generation
 ||   -----Original Message-----
 ||   From: Sean McCarthy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 ||   Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 2:05 PM
 ||   To: CF-Talk
 ||   Subject: WYSIWYG editors
 ||   Hi,
 ||     I am in search of a WYSIWYG editor that will allow a 
 ||   user to enter a news article and have it display in HTML 
 ||   format.  I have looked at several different ones but am 
 ||   looking for some feedback as to what is most preferred, 
 ||   affordable (free), and easy for the user.
 ||     I have looked at EasyEdit 
 ||    || ||
 ||   I really liked the interface on this one but 
 ||   it has to work with IE 4.0 and unfortunately this CF tag 
 ||   needs at least IE 5.0.
 ||     ActiveEdit 
 ||    ||  ||   also
 ||   good but is kinda awkward how you have to click the link 
 ||   after updating to see your results.  Thanks for your feedback.
 ||   -Sean McCarthy
 ||   -----------------------
 ||   HealthObjects
 ||   410-895-0379
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