Check the log files for errors and see if there are any mails in the UNDELIVR folder.  
These are under:

[directory where cf is installed]\mail\log
[directory where cf is installed]\mail\undelivr

The log file will contain errors in transmission to the mail server and the UNDELIVR 
folder will contain any mail that could not be
delivered.  You can also try moving the undelivered mail back into the spoool folder 
and CF should retry delivery.


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc.
631-737-4668 x101
inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Intelligent Mail Server

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hamid Hossain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 2:39 AM
Subject: CFMAIL problem

> Hi All,
> I am tring to send email with <cfmail> but I am facing
> some problems. Some times it sends and some time it
> does not send!
> I am sure that all form variables are passed and they
> are ok.
> I used the following standard code:
> <cfif IsDefined("SendIt")>
>   <cfmail from="#FORM.sEmail#"
>          to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>          subject="#FORM.sSubject#"
>          type="HTML">
>     #FORM.sBody#
>   </cfmail>
>   <b>Done</b>
> </cfif>
> The word (Done) always appear but sometimes no email
> could be received. It is not delay time. it is a real
> problem.
> any suggestions
> Hamid Hossain
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