This is a repost.  I sent this out Friday afternoon, but it never showed up
again in my mailbox...sorry if you are receiving it for a 2nd time.
I am trying to populate my pdf form using cf/fdf(non ActiveXmethod)-nice
write up on that Max- your directions are superb and easy to follow. (If you
don't know what I'm talking about you can check out this link )
It works fine until I try to add an array to the equation.  I keep getting
error msgs.  It's the msg that usually means that a variable can't be
found/is misspelled. ("Error resolving parameter Currentrow....)I assume it
is getting caught up on how the array variable  is set up.  This is what
it's like:
action page:
<CFSET GradesForPDF=ArrayNew(2)>
<CFLOOP QUERY ="GetGrades">
<CFSET GradesForPDF[CurrentRow][1]=GetGrades.GradeForSubject>
<CFSET GradesForPDF[CurrentRow][2]=GetGrades.GradingPeriod>
<CFSET GradesForPDF[CurrentRow][3]=GetGrades.SkillID>

The fdf looks like this
/FDF << /Fields [ << /V (#GradesForPDF[CurrentRow][1]#)/T (Grade)>> << /V
<< /V (#FIRSTNAME#)/T (TchNAME)>> ] .....
The error is the resolving parameter CurrentRow.  

In my query I tried to do another cfset- something like
<CFSET GradesForPDF=GradesForPDF[CurrentRow][1]---but of course that doesn't
work/is illegal- is there a way to get this to output correctly????
Thanks in advance for ideas/etc...

Janine M. Jakim
Database Programmer/Analyst
Albemarle County Public Schools
Department of Technology 
Phone: (804) 975-9443
Fax:   (804) 975-9442

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