Can we see the database schema?

Mark Warrick -
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ICQ: 125160 / AIM: markwarric

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:03 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: making list update dynamic
>  I have made some pages that display in columns and are
> updatable. There are
> actually over 50 entries they can make which are split between several
> pages. To update just the page the user is editing I have hardcoded the
> point on the list that should be updated. Well if all
> stayed exactly the same this would be fine. However, I need to make this
> more robust.
>  1. I will be having 4 different user groups that will need to update only
> their information. Each group has a different amount of entries to
> update. So for each group I currently would have to do a separate set of
> hardcoded if/else statements.
> 2. It is set up that if there is a change in one section it throws all my
> index(skilloffset) numbers off. They need to be able to add/subtract
> change what they want to be updated.
> So basically I want to take the attached code and make it dynamic. The
> CourseID is used by all groups. That is the one part that is used
>  universally-it's the subgroups of this courseid that is unique to each
> group. (ie: each have reading as a course- but the reading skills are
>       differnt for each of my four groups). So I'd like to make
> it something
> like
>       <CFIF CourseID=1>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=#skilloffset#>
>       </CFIF>
>       I keep getting when I try to make it dynamic-"indexes must always
> start with 1..." Any ideas? Thanks,
>       j
>       <!---Sets up SkillOffset.  SkillOffset will set where in
> the list the
> update should occur.
>       This will depend on which course they are updating.--->
>       <CFPARAM NAME="SkillOffset" Default="">
>       <CFIF CourseID IS 1 or CourseID IS 2>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=0>
>       <CFELSEIF CourseID IS 3 or CourseID IS 4>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=14>
>       <CFELSEIF CourseID IS 5 or CourseID IS 6 or CourseID IS 7>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=25>
>       <CFELSEIF CourseID IS 8>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=39>
>       <CFELSEIF CourseID IS 9>
>       <CFSET SkillOffset=47>
>       </CFIF>
>       <!---Query loop to perfomr the update on the Grades table--->
>       <CFLOOP INDEX="X" FROM=1 TO="#ListLen(GradeforSubject)#">
>       <CFQUERY NAME="EditGrades" DATASOURCE="#Request.maindsn#">
>       UPDATE Grades
>       SET GradeForSubject='#ListGetAt(attributes.GradeForSubject,X)#'
>       WHERE  PERMNUM='#CLIENT.PERMNUM#' and SkillID=#Evaluate(X +
> SkillOffset)#
>       </CFQUERY>
>       </CFLOOP>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> ----------------------
>       <!---In case you need it this is from my display page---->
>       <TABLE border>
>       <CFOUTPUT query="Subjects" group="SkillID">
>       <TR>
>       <TD colspan="2">#Skill#</TD>
>       <CFOUTPUT>
>       <TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;
>       <CFIF Val(GetSubjects.GradeForSubject)>#GradeForSubject#
>       <CFELSE>
>       <INPUT type="Hidden" name="GradesID" value="#GetSubjects.GradesID#">
>       <INPUT name="GradeForSubject" value="#UCase(GradeForSubject)#"
> size="5">
>       </CFIF>
>       </TD>
>       <CFSET CourseID=GetSubjects.CourseID>
>       <CFSET PERMNUM=GetSubjects.PERMNUM>
>       <INPUT type="HIDDEN" name="CLIENT.PERMNUM" value="#CLIENT.PERMNUM#">
>       </CFOUTPUT>
>       </TR>
>       </CFOUTPUT>
>       </TABLE>
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