Hello everyone!

I have a database of companys, names, contacts and addresses.  Not all 
companys have contact addresses.  I am setting up a form that will allow 
people to come and change their address.  They will get to the form by 
entering a url with a primary key at the end of it.  This will query up the 
company and then a second query will get the people.  The second gets the 
contact names and addresses -- there can be as many as a dozen 
contacts.  That is the one I am having trouble with.  What I have done is 
set it up so (in simple form)

<form action...whatever>
<cfoutput query="first">
<!--- company info up here.  Only one company per web page. --->

<cfoutput query="second">
name: <input type=text name=person value=#name#>
address: <input type=text name=address value=#address#>

Now, like I said there can be a lot of contact names.

So, then on the next page where I save it in the database, what do I do?  I 
get the information in the form of a list. Where
#name#=bob, mary, alice, harry, john
but not everyone has an address so I might get
#address#=chicago, minneapolis, rome

I need to some how match these up somehow and update the record.  Any idea 
how I can go about doing this?

I have thought about the first page having some sort of number appended on 
to the end of the variable name so the form would somehow have name1, 
name2, name3, name4 but I don't actually know how to do that.

Or from the second page, can I access individual list elements?  And even 
if I could, how could I know that bob is from chicago, mary is blank and 
alice is from minneapolis?

If I haven't explained this well enough please let me know!

Thanks much!

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