Hello! (It's good to see all of you back!)

I posted this on Allaire/Macromedia support forums also, but I
really, really need an answer to this...
Is there some reason CF group wouldn't work if it was wrapped up
in cfloop tags? I can't get this query to group the the articles
underneath the headingname.

<cfloop index="outerloop" from="1" to="#arraylen(anotherarray)#">
<cfloop index="innerloop" from="1"

<cfquery name="lastone" datasource="elrcumulative">
            select Document.documentid, document.nameno, volume,
page, articlenames.nameno, articlename, article.documentid,
authors, authorsextra, headingid, headingname
            from document, articlenames, article, heading
            where document.documentid=#anotherarray[outerloop][2]#

   AND headingid=#anotherarray[outerloop][1]#
   and document.nameno=articlenames.nameno
   and document.documentid=article.documentid
   order by headingname, articlename

<cfoutput query="lastone" group="headingname">



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