Thanks heaps - it certainly is a mental block with me.
And thanks for the great, informative reply - I'm already looking forward 
to the "next installment"

Many thanks


At 12:45 pm 13/07/01 , you wrote:
>Some people take to the concepts of loops naturally... for others it
>is a mental block.
>Not to worry!
>The classic programming problem which illustrates the need for loops
>is the "Native American" Problem:
>    The Dutch purchased Manhattan Island from the "Native Americans"
>for $18.00 in
>    er, ah... lets say 1624.  If the money were invested at 4%, compounded
>    annually, what would it be worth today.
>To solve you could write out:
>    Year: 1624  Value: $18.00
>    Year: 1625  Value: $18.00 * 1.04
>    Year: 1626  Value: $18.00 * 1.04 * 1.04
>     .
>     .
>     .
>so we would do the 375 steps to get to 2001
>Now if we look closely, we notice a certain consistency in the
>operations performed in each step:
>    the year is incremented by 1
>    the amount is incremented by 4& ( Amount * 1.04 )
>Regardless of which step (year) the calculations are always the
>same... the 2 operations are repeated over and over.
>To write this out abstractly we could say:
>    Start with an amount of $18,00
>    Start at a year of 1624
>      Repeat
>        Add 1 to the year
>        Multiply the amount by 1.04
>      until the year is equal to 2001
>What controls the number of times we repeat, is the year (incremented)
>Now, we take this and rewrite this in CF"
>     <cfset amount=18.00>
>     <cfloop index=theYear from=1624 to=2001 step=1>
>       <cfset amount = amount * 1.04>
>     <cfloop>
>Now if you compare the two, you see that the <cfloop> tag combines
>the operations of:
>      setting the starting and ending values for year
>      setting the increment for year
>      testing for the end value of year.
>So all we have to do is compute the amount and indicate the end of the loop.
>Now, if you change the problem slightly:
>    The Dutch purchased Manhattan Island from the "Native Americans"
>for $18.00 in
>    er, ah... lets say 1624.  If the money were invested at 4%, compounded
>    annually, when would the value exceed $200,000?
>.... we'll cover that in the next installment,
>At 11:17 AM +1000 7/13/01, Seamus Campbell wrote:
> >Many thanks  again.
> >
> >Slightly OT - I have learnt CF without any background in programming - I
> >have a huge problem getting loops and lists  to work - I can understand the
> >general principles but just can't seem to be able to learn to implement
> >specific code.
> >
> >For instance I can see what you are doing in the code below and I can adapt
> >code that other people have done (often by trial and error rather than 
> logic)
> >BUT i have huge problems coding loops and lists on my own.
> >
> >Is this normal - or am I just slow???
> >
> >Any ways to learn how to "roll my own"  ???
> >
> >Many thanks
> >Seamus
> >
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