try this as a quick fix (needs making beautiful as this'll give you an extra
row at the end which you need to deal with, but the theory is sound...):

<cfoutput query="yourquery">
<cfif NOT currentrow mod 2>

This will give you a 2 column table

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Burt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 30 July 2001 17:22
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Outputing a Query In a different format Question...
> My problem is that I would like to change the way a query is 
> outputed on the
> page in a table.  A picture is worth a thousand words.  see below:
> regular CFOUTPUT
> user1  user1phoneNumber
> user2  user2phoneNumber
> user3  user3phoneNumber
> user4  user4phoneNumber
> Instead of outputting it like this, I would like for it to 
> look like this:
> user1  user1phoneNumber     user2  user2phoneNumber
> user3  user3phoneNumber     user4  user4phoneNumber
> Comming from ASP, this is pretty easy because of the ADO 
> MoveNext command.
> basically you put it in between the columns for the first user and the
> second user.  then one after the <TR>.
> If I have confused anyone, let me know.
> Thanks in Advance....
> David
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