There is a big difference between receiving mail and sending mail.  They use
different protocols to send mail you use SMTP (port 25), and to receive you
use POP3 (port 110) or IMAP.  So your SMTP server could be down, and your
POP3 server is still running.  A lot of times the SMTP server is on a
different physical server than the POP3.

You can test your connection by logging in to a unix shell and typing

$> telnet 25

it should connect, if not you have a problem, I suspect CF uses a similar
method to test the connection (probably not telnet, just a raw socket

Pete Freitag ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ColdFusion Developers Resources

-----Original Message-----
From: S R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 4:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: can't connect to mail server

Are there any ideas as to why Cold Fusion cannot connect to a mail server?
You can rule out the mail server being down or change of address because I
just tested it using a non-cold fusion program and I received an email. When
I go to the CF Admin and 'verify' the mail server connection I get 'Unable
to connect to server'. It was working last week and today all of a sudden I
send any emails via CFmail or Cf_aspmail
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