Here is the asp code from the Adobe SDK (see "FDFSetValue").  You're basically 
creating a virtual FDF... I would think converting to CF would be fairly 

<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript%>
<!--#include virtual="/ADOVBS.INC"-->
'Response.ContentType = "text/html"
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.fdf"
Rem Create an FDF objecj
Set FdfAcx = Server.CreateObject("FdfApp.FdfApp") 
Set FDF = FdfAcx.FDFCreate

REM Parse Incoming Data
Set FDFin = FdfAcx.FDFOpenFromBuf (Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes))
patient = FDFin.FDFGetValue("patient")

Rem Query the database
Set OBJdbConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
OBJdbConnection.Open "DemoData"
DepQuery = "SELECT * FROM F98_patients WHERE (ssn = '"&patient&"')"
Set Patient = OBJdbConnection.Execute(DepQuery)

Rem Fill in the FDF
FDF.FDFSetValue "p_ssn", Patient("ssn"), False
FDF.FDFSetValue "relation", Patient("relation"), False
FDF.FDFSetValue "sex", Patient("sex"), False
FDF.FDFSetValue "student", Patient("student"), False
FDF.FDFSetValue "marital_status", Patient("marital_status"), False
FDF.FDFSetValue "p_dob", Patient("dob"), False

Response.BinaryWrite FDF.FDFSaveToBuf

>>> Steve Aylor 8/1/2001 3:57:28 PM >>>
Ok ... so then you are able to fill in and open your pdf form with your cf
query data .... but you just cant get this toolkit method for formatting
[Tlkt.SetDBMultiRowSeparator] to work with CF?

I may be misinterpretting what your doing - but I dont beleive the ActivePDf
com object is intuitive enuff to fill in your form correctly with your db
data just because the pdf form's field names coincide with with the names of
your columns in the database.

As I recall from memory and how the Adobe Active X FDF Toolkit works, you
need to use a method for "setting" the values of the fields.

See anything in the active pdf docs like :

<cfset ActivePdfMethodNameforSettingFieldValues = (PDFFormfieldname,

All the best,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Janine Jakim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:57 PM
Subject: RE: Cf code with ActivePDf

> Yes I have a pdf form with form fields with a #query.fieldname#-
> REportCard.pdf is my pdf file that I want to open/fill in.
> Tlkt.SetDBMultiRowSeparator- this is just a formatting thing that can be
> done...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Aylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 4:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Cf code with ActivePDf
> Where's your code to set the values of the fields in your pdf form?
> to confirm:
> You have created an actual pdf "FORM" using the full version of acrobat
> added the fields to the pdf and named the fields appropriately?  I presume
> that ReportCard.pdf is such a file?
> No idea what this is needed for - sorry
> <!---This next gives me an error msg so it is commented out.
> > ***<CFSET Tlkt.SetDBMultiRowSeparator>--->
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Janine Jakim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:22 PM
> Subject: OT: Cf code with ActivePDf
> > Sorry for the OT post, but activepdf forums is down (and has been so
> > for over a month) and I'm tired of hitting my head against the wall.  I
> > trying to use active pdf toolkit to send my database query to a pdf
> form....
> > I found an example in their docs but haven't been able to implement it
> > correctly.  Here's the cf page I put together.  I either get a plain
> > screen or an error  message.
> >
> > The error msg I get is from the lines of code that have *** and states:
> > "attempting to call a method as a Propertyget assignment.  CF has
> determined
> > that this is actually a method with zero or more arguments.  If the
> > is expecting no arguments please use emptyp parenthesis"
> > The comment section states what I'm trying to achieve, the other part is
> the
> > cf.  Any/all comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
> >
> > <CFOBJECT ACTION="Create" TYPE="COM" CLASS=APToolkit.Object NAME="Tlkt">
> > <!---- Opent the output file--->
> > <CFSET R> >
> > f"))>
> > <!---- Opent the output file- yes I know it is the same path as the out.
> It
> > didn't make a difference on this...--->
> > <CFSET R> >
> > "))>
> > <!---Define the master query's variables--->
> > <CFSET DSN="Server/Inetpub/GradeCard.mdb">
> > <!----Query--->
> > <CFQUERY NAME="StudentPrint" DATASOURCE="#Request.maindsn#">
> > From ASTU_AllSchools
> > </CFQUERY>
> > <!---Just a test to check query data.  If this is not included then the
> page
> > is just a blank screen --->
> > <CFOUTPUT QUERY="StudentPrint">
> > <!---This next gives me an error msg so it is commented out.
> > ***<CFSET Tlkt.SetDBMultiRowSeparator>--->
> > <!---Turn on form formatting--->
> > <CFSET Tlkt.DoFormFormatting=True>
> > <!---***<CFSET tlkt.SetDefaultDBMergeFlag -998>--->
> > <CFSET tlkt.FlattenRemainingFormFields=True>
> > <!----Set Toolkit =Nothing--->
> > is that setting it to null??
> >
> >
> >
> > Janine M. Jakim
> > Database Programmer/Analyst
> > Albemarle County Public Schools
> > Department of Technology
> > Phone: (804) 975-9443
> > Fax:   (804) 975-9442
> >
> >
> >
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