
I am trying to get this query to work and not sure
how...anyone have any ideas?  The problem is in the
joining of the cas table and the cats table....there
is a 0 to many relationship between these
tables....ie[cas.iCasacApptID = cats.iCasacApptID] 
many never equal each other because there may not be
an iCasacApptID in the cats table.  If thats the case
then I want the word "None" as my cats.cTreatSelectID.
is there a way I can put a cfif statement around that
join..if so how..or is there a simplier way I am not
thinking of

Thanks again for the help!

<cfquery name="QRYtp"

<cfloop query="treatCount">
  <cfif treatcount.TreatCount gt 6>
Select  cas.iClientID , 
            cd1.vCodeDecode as TreatSelect,
                '#treatCount.TreatProg#' as TrueProg,
                '#treatCount.HRACode#' as TrueHRA
>From CasacAppt cas, 
     CasacApptTreatSelect cats,
         TreatmentProg tp, 
         CodeDecode cd1, 
         Client cl
Where  cas.iClientID = cl.iClientID
AND   '#treatCount.TreatProgID#' = cas.iTreatProgID
AND   cas.iCasacApptID = cats.iCasacApptID
AND   cats.cTreatSelectID = cd1.icodedecodeID
AND cas.dCasacDate >=
AND     cas.dCasacDate <=
AND cas.dCasacDate > '#request.dContractDate#'
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