Can someone tell me the best way to grab values from a form that is in a main window 
and use them to display data in a new window. I can write to the second window but I 
can't figure out how to grab 3 form fields I have in my main window and have CF grab 
those value in my second window. For example. I have an order entry form for sales 
people to enter in orders, they then have a button to submit the order and another 
button to verify the customers credit card number. The "Verify Credit Card" button 
opens a new window which uses the cfx_paymentnet custom tag. I can use javascript to 
write to that page but I can't figure out how to pass variables so the cfx_paymentnet 
tag can grab the values it needs. I hope I am clear on this. Any help would be greatly 

Thank You,
Ben Densmore

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