You need a closing bracket !

<cfquery datasource="#WME.DSN#">
 INSERT INTO Coupon (Vendor_ID, C_Title, C_Details, C_Inst, C_Valid,
C_Office, Venue_City_ID)
 Values  (#qGetLastID.LastID#, '#Form.C_Title#', '#Form.C_Details#',
'#Form.C_Inst#', '#Form.C_Valid#', '#Form.C_Office#', '#Form.Venue#')


Alistair Davidson
Senior Developer 
Rocom New Media
"There is no spoon"

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Sorge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 September 2001 14:54
To: CF-Talk
Subject: brain far


I am having a brain fart. I am entering information into a database, and one
of the fields takes in a comma separated list. The insert query is;

<cfquery datasource="#WME.DSN#">
 INSERT INTO Coupon (Vendor_ID, C_Title, C_Details, C_Inst, C_Valid,
C_Office, Venue_City_ID)
 Values  (#qGetLastID.LastID#, '#Form.C_Title#', '#Form.C_Details#',
'#Form.C_Inst#', '#Form.C_Valid#', '#Form.C_Office#', '#Form.Venue#'

The Venue_City_ID is the comma separated list. The field in the DB is a text
field (SQL Server 7). When I view the output, I get something like '3,4,5'.
I would think that this would be OK since everything is inside of single
quotes. However, I am receiving errors.

ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) 

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 2: Incorrect syntax near

SQL = "INSERT INTO Coupon (Vendor_ID, C_Title, C_Details, C_Inst, C_Valid,
C_Office, Venue_City_ID) Values (12, 'Ski Time', 'Test', 'Test', 'Test',
'Test', '3,4,5'"

I know that there is a simple solution, but it really escapes me. This is
what happens when you have 5 projects all going at once.
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