My only thought on this is that some people already have the Applet-cab
files locally and other's have not and those who don't have them can't get
them because of the proxy server which may be acting as some sort of
firewall for java Applets.  The SSL should not make any difference, I assume
you simply added a certificate to the same web server you were using before
and users now connect with https://xxxxxxxx

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards, Mike Brunt
Sempra Energy

-----Original Message-----
From: Harper, Laura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 7:42 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Strange problem with CFGrid

Hello Everyone,
I have a strange situation with CFGrid that neither my ColdFusion admin nor
the network admin can solve.  I'm hoping someone here may have encountered
something similar.  My apologies for the length of my question.

Using cfgrid did not cause any problems, all users could see the object.

Due to company policy, my users were forced to use a proxy server and use
SSL, all on the same day.  When this happened, some of my users cannot see
the grid, they just see a grey box.  However, the problem is not consistent.
Some user's can see it and other's can't.  Most of the user's with IE 5.01
to 5.5 cannot see the grid.  Some user's using 5.0 cannot see the grid but a
few can.  These user's are in the same building, going thru the same
connections, etc.  I'm in another building, not using the proxy, using IE
4.72 and can see the grid.  If I change settings and go through the proxy, I
can still see it.

The following message appears in the java console for those who cannot see
the grid:

Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: allaire.controls.cfGridFormApplet
        at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
        at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
        at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.securedClassLoad
        at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
        at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
        at com/ms/applet/
        at java/lang/

This is confusing, however, because the SSL site is using the same box as
the before site.  And why can some browser's find the object and other's
can't with the only difference being the browser version.

I have one user on IE 6 and another one using IE 6 and one can see the
object and the other can't.

I hope this is obvious to someone, because I have a two admin's going crazy
over this.

Thanks in advance.
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