My development strategy on Win2k is CFStudio with a single user version of
CFServer locally.  Depending on the Win2k version either IIS or Personal Web
Server, locally. Then a QA Staging box (or boxes if you're rich) in the same
environment as production and as near to production as possible in
configuration.  Test the hell out of the code on the development boxes and
live in the logs before releasing it to QA.  I am looking at QUME Content
Versioning but haven't used it long enough to make a technically accurate
statement.  It looks good so far.

Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
Sempra Energy

-----Original Message-----
From: Denis Piquette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 5:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Developers Desktop.

Can anyone offer any comments on  a standard developers desktop when
developing for a MS CF site?

In W2K, do you use IIS with CF server loaded locally or on a Network? 
What type of Source Control do you use?
What tool is best when developing cfx_Tags? 
How about using MTS??



Denis Piquette
I.S. Manager
140 Fullarton, Suite 700
London, Ontario
519-672-6703 x212
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