Ok I answered question 2.  I found that using
<CFOUTPUT><TH>#Skill#</TH></CFOUTPUT> will go through all the skills so that
I don't need to do Skill1, Skill2, Skill3
Now I still have the issue of my headers showing up before each student.
This is my code:
        <CFOUTPUT query="SGrade"group="PERMNUM">
                                        <CFIF Val(SGrade.StudentID)>
                                                <TD>#LASTNAME#, #FIRSTNAME#
                                        <CFOUTPUT>      <TD>
                <CFIF Val(SGrade.Grade)> #Grade#

-----Original Message-----
From: cf refactoring [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 10:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Format Tables (Was RE: CF to excel)

Can you show us the looping code? It's probably an
error in reusing too much of the sample code

--- Janine Jakim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for all the input. Now for the next question.
>  I am having a hard
> time formatting my html table correctly. I am using
> <TR><TH>#Skill[1]#</TH>
> <TH>#Skill[2]#</TH> in the heading (I have also
> tried making it just a
> regular <TR><TD></TD></TR>.  But unfortunately it is
> giving each student a
> heading.
> ie:   Reading Math    Spelling
> JSmith        A       A       A
>       Reading Math    Spelling
> SJones        B       B       B
> So I have 2 questions:
> 1. Is there a way to get the heading to be for the
> whole page when I am
> using a variable?
> 2.  Is there a way to make the #skill[1]#
> #Skill[2]#, etc. expand/constrict
> accordingly.
> (ie: 5th grade Math has 3 skills/ reading has 16
> skills whereas 1st grade
> math has 21 skills and 19 reading skills....) I
> don't want to have to make a
> different page for each subject/grade.  If I just
> put #Skill# in the header
> it only gives me the 1st skill... Any ideas???
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 4:00 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: CF to excel
> You can create an html table and output that is an
> excel file as follows:
> <cfif parameterexists(EmpName)>
>       <cfinclude template="qry_employees.cfm">
>       <cfif qry_employees.recordcount gt 0>
>                       <cfset excelstring="<table
> border=""1""><tr><td><b>First Name</b></td>">
>                       <cfset excelstring=excelstring &"<td><b>Last
> Name</b></td>">
>                       <cfset excelstring=excelstring &"<td><b>Office
> Phone</b></td>">
>                       <cfset excelstring=excelstring &"<td><b>Mobile
> Phone</b></td>">
>                       <cfset excelstring=excelstring
> &"<td><b>Pager</b></td></tr>">
>               <cfoutput query="qry_employees">
>               <cfset excelstring=excelstring
> ll#</td><td>#pager#</td></tr>">
>               </cfoutput>
>       <cfset excelstring=excelstring &"</table>">
>       </cfif>
> </cfif>
> <CFHEADER NAME="Content-Disposition" VALUE="inline;
> filename=download.xls">
> <cfcontent type="application/vnd.ms-excel">
> <cfoutput>#excelstring#</cfoutput>
> This output string that you have built will come
> across as an excel file.
> The key is in the cfcontent tag and cfheader tag.
> John Anderson
> aloha-webdesign.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Janine Jakim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 12:40 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CF to excel
> How flexible is the process of generating excel
> files?
> I need to have an output that is dynamic for the
> columns and rows.
> For example:
>               #student#       #student#       #student#       #student#
> #Skill#       #grade# #grade#         #grade# #grade#
> #Skill#       #grade# #grade# #grade# #grade#
> #Skill#       #grade# #grade# #grade# #grade#
> Translating into:
>               JohnSmith       JanSmith        SamJones        sandyJones
> Reading           C              A               A               B
> Math              B              A               B               A
> English           B              B               A               C
> My tables are normalized. There are many tables that
> make this info.
> 1.  One reference table that lists all the skills. 
> 2.  One table that shows student information.
> 3.  One table that lists the studentID/skillID/Grade
> (hooks the student info
> with the skills reference table).
> 4.  One reference table that lists the quarter and
> dates of the quarter so
> only the current quarter prints out.
> Is this possible?
> What are the steps to making it so?  Do I need to
> make the information into
> an array(s) first?
> I've read the how to from Ben's CF5 book and the
> tutorial from cfcomet.com-
> but of course I want to make things more difficult.
> Thanks in advance.

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