> Is there some permission that needs to be set to have 
> cfscripts run under IIS.
> The reason I ask is this. We have a development server that 
> is password protected using standard NT security. This has 
> worked fine until this morning. Browsing to an HTML file 
> works fine, but any CFM page that we try to brows to gives 
> an NT challenge which will not accept any password. We
> have dropped the account that we used to use, and recreated 
> it, but still nothing. The only account that we can get CFM 
> pages to work under is the Administrator log in, and our 
> systems guy is freaking out that we are using this account.

Your .cfm file permissions will need to allow read/execute rights to the
individual users you want to browse them (including IUSR_MACHINENAME if you
want to allow anonymous access), and to the SYSTEM account (or whatever
account the CF server is running as). In addition, the \CFUSION\BIN\ISCF.DLL
will need read/execute rights for the same set of users.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
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