Yes - I know it can be done; I'm just looking for recommendations
 on companies that provide e-mail services. is
 one, for example; they host mail for your domain and let you
 configure your own accounts and check e-mail via the web or POP.
  I just wanted to see if anyone else had any experience with
 other services that might be less expensive and/or have better

BTW, I'm on cable modem and Roadrunner won't manage e-mail for my
 domain unless I change to a business account.  The ISP that
 houses our co-lo box is a small outfit and they don't have a
 web-based administration for setting up accounts or checking
 mail.  You have to call them for every change and can only
 access your mail with a POP client.  That is why we resorted to
 running our own mail server in the first place, but we just
 can't keep the box up 100% of the time.

Sorry my question was confusing, but I appreciate you taking the
 time to respond.


> I don't know how to implement it, but I do know that it was (
>easily ) done by a UNIX guy I used to work with.
> Mail stuff (I.E. smtp requests?) can easily be redirected to
>while http requests are directed to another.
>  ( wouldn't it have made more sense to contact your ISP in the
>place ? )
>At 10:13 AM 09/24/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>>I am looking for any recommendations you cf-talk guys might
>> about e-mail services for hosting the e-mail for my domain.
>>I share a co-located server with a few other developers for
>> we do on the side and we have been running our own mail
>> for awhile, but because we use this box for development
>> purposes, it isn't up 100% of the time.  I'd like to continue
>> do my own web hosting, but would like to move my e-mail
>> to another provider.  The ISP that hosts our server does all
>> DNS so I should be able to have my mail directed to another
>> server.
>>I would like to be able to add and manage my e-mail accounts
>> the web, be able to access mail from a typical POP3 client,
>> also have a web-based interface for checking mail when I'm
>> without my laptop.
>>Any suggestions or recommendations you'd like to share - I'd
>> appreciate it.
>>Jackson Moore
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