Good morning, all.

Excuse the very basic nature of this question, but how do I use VBScript
with ColdFusion?  All the documentation says that the <Script> tag only is
for JavaScript.

I am writing a custom tag to put on our server which will convert uploaded
MS Office documents to HTML.  I know that there are products that do this,
but purchasing anything now is not an option.  My boss does not like the
"Save as HTML" option in Word, and our users are spoiled and have gotten use
to posting MS Word and MS Excel documents directly.

The custom tag will:

*       call VBScript code to create the HTML pages
*       preview the HTML pages to the user for approval
*       save the approved pages to the appropriate directory
*       create a link to the new HTML document on the appropriate WaMuLink

The VBScript will:
*       determine the document type
*       open the document 
*       if the document is Excel
*       run htmconvert from htm.xla add-in 
*       if the document is Word
*       get the template name that the document is based on
*       create one or more text files with embedded HTML tags.  The file(s)
will then be renamed with an "htm" extension.
*       create a HTML table of contents page, if more than one HTML page was

Do I save the VBScript file as a text file of some kind, and then call it
like a *.js file?

Any references, resources or war stories on this would be greatly

Kathryn Butterly
Web Developer
Washington Mutual Finance
813 632-4490


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