On the assumption that eventdatestart is a datetime object in your
database then the query will be looking for the date passed and time =
0:00:00.  If the inserted records contain timing information on insert
then this will probably not return any records... Try.

WHERE eventdatestart BETWEEN #createODBCdate(showdate)# AND
#createODBCdate(DateAdd("d", 1, showdate))#



-----Original Message-----
From: list@objekt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 13:29
To: CF-Talk
Subject: where date = day problem

hi everyone....

I am trying to do a query that will just show me events for a chosen

i have an output like this...

<cfoutput query="days"> 
<CFSET yourDate = CreateDate(years, months, days)>
 <a href="index.cfm?showDate=#URLEncodedFormat(yourDate)#">
#DateFormat(yourDate, "dd/mmm [dddd]")#

which gives me a urlencoded date format

I then want to pass this to a query to show all events for that day.

<cfquery name="events" datasource="#DSN#" dbtype="ODBC">
FROM events
WHERE eventdatestart = #createODBCdate(showdate)#
ORDER BY eventdateStart

I am not getting an error, but no results are being returned.
I have tried also tried '#createODBCdate(showdate)#' (with single

this should be so simple but i cant get results!?

any help is appreciated.


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