Thanks all on the list,  your emails have helped a lot in learning CF.   

We have a very small shop and I'm trying to figure out how to upgrade 
IIS to 4 or 5.    I thought this happened when we loaded SP6 on the NT40 
but when I go to IIS server manager help it tells me am running IIS 3.   
Also when I run the new lock down tool it tells me it won't run on this 
version of IIS.  Question is am I reading version number correctly in 
the IIS manager and if so how do you upgrade your IIS.   I have looked 
at MS site found all the patches just have not found the IIS server 

I understand a lot people don't recommend IIS but it's what I've got to 
use.     I would like to upgrade server because we have a couple people 
have FP sites that are having trouble so I would like to get server 
updated to latest IIS server and  FP extensions and patches.   
Coldfusion and Seagate stuff is running great.

Thanks for the help
David Green

NT 4.0  sp6
CF 5.0
IIS 3  (I think)
Seagate Page Server 8.0
FP2000 extensions

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