
like Joseph said, there are the SOXML options to go down to alter your XML
file - but you should be aware that Flash currently processes pure text
variable files much quicker than XML files. This was an issue that
Figleaf/Allaire/Macromedia came across during the development of the Flash
Component Kit for Coldfusion (Harpoon) , and is why this component kit
doesn't use xml to pass variables to its flash movies.

To this end - we create text files in CF with cffile or cfcontent which are
read in by our flash movies rather than use XML. We've found that with the
applications we did, the text files would be at least a whole second
quicker, but you make experience different results depending on your flash

Rich Wild

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Green [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 October 2001 23:48
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Updating an XML file so Flash can use it
> Hi all,
> I have a client that needs CF to update an XML file that 
> flash reads to
> display info.
> I was wondering if anyone has any tips, tags, or advice to help get me
> started on my project of updating his existing XML file.
> Also, I know that CF supports WDDX, which is a dialect of XML, I was
> wondering if Flash can read this dialect of XML.  If so I 
> assume that this
> would make the project very easy.
> The XML file is below.  I suppose I could use CFFile to make 
> the changes I
> need, but I figure there is a more XML supported way ;)
> Basically, I have to ad article elements to the file.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff
> <?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <moreovernews>
> <article>
>  <headline_text>This is a headline</headline_text>
>  <url></url>
> </article>
> <article>
>  <headline_text>Another headline</headline_text>
>  <url></url>
> </article>
> <moreovernews>
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