Hello CF-Talk,

   There is a Java Mail Sending CFX tag available from
   www.CFDEV.com . I have no experience with the tag, so any input
   would also be helpful for my research.

   I have no affiliation with this mob by the way.


   They also have a web-based scanning app. All of these cost $$$

Kind Regards,
Christopher Dawes
Dawes International
Sydney, Australia

CT> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 10:37:42 -0500 (EST)
CT> From: Bryant Tyson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CT> Subject: Re: CFmail Recount

CT> On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Justin Scott wrote:

>> Eek!  Sorry to hear about your bad luck!  I can tell you that if you're
>> sending out THAT many e-mails, you're better off...
>> 1) Getting a separate server dedicated to handling SMTP spooling, then use
>> CFFILE to write the messages directly to the spooler pickup directory
>> instead of using CFMAIL.

CT> Hmm i'm wondering why you think CFFILE would be any better. If the
CT> corruption comes from writing the email message to the drive over and over
CT> again, I don't see how the situation would change. Hmmmm. A different
CT> drive would get corrupted that way? :)

CT> Ok 3 new questions:
CT> 1 - What method does House of Fusion use? CFMAIL or CFFILE?
CT> 2 - Anyone from Macromedia have any light they can shed on this situation?
CT> 3 - Does anyone do a huge mailing list on their (a client's) server that
CT>     hasn't corrupted the disk over time?

>> 2) Outsource your mailings to a company that specializes in this type of
>> thing, such as Postmaster General (http://www.postmastergeneral.com/).  One
>> of our clients used them to do a weekly mailing to about a million
>> subcribers without a hitch.

CT> Thanks Justin, i'll keep this company for reference just in case this
CT> issue can't be solved on a local level.

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