it will remain cached until the cache expires. once the cache expires, the
next person to run it will cache it again. i probably phrased it a bit
ambiguously. what i meant was that in the time it takes to load the page
initially and for the user to have a quick look then refresh the page, the
timeout will have expired if it's set to a few seconds. Therefore for one
particular user, employing query caching with a very short timespan will not
affect the validity (up-to-datedness - i never was particularly good at
grammar) of the data that is being displayed, so you don't have to worry
about refreshing your cache after every update/insert/deletion. But it will
improve the performance of your site (if it's heavily loaded), because any
other users that request the same query in that short timespan will get the
cached dataset returned.

does that make sense?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 November 2001 14:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Caching Queries

On 11/2/01, Fiona Barker penned:
>If you have a heavy load site, caching a query for 3-4 seconds will improve
>performance without your data being out of date: Person A requests the
>query, it is cached. People B,C,D,E,F,G,H all request the same query within
>the next 3-4 seconds and reeive the cached version. Person A refreshes
>screen immediately and, since the timeout will have passed, will receive a
>refreshed data set.

I always presumed that the caching timeout was reset every time the
query is called. Are you saying that the person who calls the query
initially (while it is not cached) is the only one that can reset the

In other words, what you appear to be saying is that person A caches
the query (set to 4 seconds). B calls it 1 second later (still
cached), C calls 1 second later (still cached), D calls it 1 second
later (still cached), E calls it 1 seconds later (still cached), A
calls again it 1 second later and it is no longer cached? I thought
that if it is called every second it will stay cached indefinitely
(or until it becomes the last query in the maximum number of queries
to cache)  no matter who calls it.

Can anyone else verify which is correct?

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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