I use the following to retrieve a single random record (a "banner" in this case). You might be able to modify it for your purpose:
<cfquery name="RandomBanner" datasource="#Banners#" dbtype="#DBTYPE#"> SELECT BannerID FROM BannerAdverts WHERE BannerActive = True </cfquery> <cfoutput query="RandomBanner"> <cfset SelectBanner = #ListGetAt(BannerID, RandRange(1, ListLen(BannerID))#> </cfoutput> <cfquery name="DisplayBanner" datasource="#Banners#" dbtype="#DBTYPE#"> SELECT * FROM BannerAdverts WHERE BannerID = #SelectBanner# </cfquery> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your ad could be here. Monies from ads go to support these lists and provide more resources for the community. http://www.fusionauthority.com/ads.cfm FAQ: http://www.thenetprofits.co.uk/coldfusion/faq Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/ Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=lists