It sounds like you are confused by why the application.cfm has the DSN
connection defined -- the main reason is so that you don't have to define it
on every page and can change it in one place if you need to change it for
any reason.  If you want to use more than one, simply define more than one
variable on the application.cfm page or hard-code the DSNs into the
<cfquery> tags.  You can have as many database connections as you need.
Also, in CF 5 you can do a query of a query so that you can do queries
across mulitple databases if you need to.


"han peng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> hi... ppl...
> i will like to check with u..ppl.... can cold fusion link to multiple
> database at the same time..??
> i noticed under application.cfm .. we normally put only 1 DSN connection.
> juz wonder.. is it possible to create multiple DSN connection..? and is it
> possible to do multiple database query from a single query statement?
> hmm.. is there any gd website.. where i can find more info abt this..?!!
> i need to do a recommendation which software to use for our new project.
> cheers
> han
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