Can Access support cross-database joins?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Darryl Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gradwell.lists.cftalk
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 8:23 PM
Subject: RE: can CF do multiple DB connection?

> If your using  db like SQL Server you can do cross database joins by doing
> this:
> FROM Dbname.dbo.tablename r, dbname2.dbo.tablename2 n
> WHERE = n.r_id AND
> = @id
> Etc etc
> Is that what you mean?
> Darryl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tom muck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, 5 November 2001 2:55 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: can CF do multiple DB connection?
> It sounds like you are confused by why the application.cfm has the DSN
> connection defined -- the main reason is so that you don't have to define
> on every page and can change it in one place if you need to change it for
> any reason.  If you want to use more than one, simply define more than one
> variable on the application.cfm page or hard-code the DSNs into the
> <cfquery> tags.  You can have as many database connections as you need.
> Also, in CF 5 you can do a query of a query so that you can do queries
> across mulitple databases if you need to.
> tom
> "han peng" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 003301c1654d$e04aa500$5b9a15a5@qubitsonyvaio">news:003301c1654d$e04aa500$5b9a15a5@qubitsonyvaio...
> > hi... ppl...
> >
> > i will like to check with u..ppl.... can cold fusion link to multiple
> > database at the same time..??
> >
> > i noticed under application.cfm .. we normally put only 1 DSN
> > connection.
> >
> > juz wonder.. is it possible to create multiple DSN connection..? and
> > is it possible to do multiple database query from a single query
> > statement?
> >
> > hmm.. is there any gd website.. where i can find more info abt
> > this..?!!
> coz
> > i need to do a recommendation which software to use for our new
> > project.
> >
> > cheers
> > han
> >
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