You could just find the first head, store the position, find the next head, 
store the position, and then just use mid(string,pos+6,pos-1) to strip the 
middle out....

maybe there is a more efficient way....


At 11:32 PM 08/11/01 +0000, you wrote:
>The code I'm doing now is actually in JS, but I'm having a
>general CF/JS regular expression learning binge, and I've hit
>a brick wall - can anyone help?!
>Best example of the problem is this:
>string = string.replace(/<HEAD[^>]*>[^(<\/HEAD>)]*<\/HEAD>/gi,'');
>I want this to strip any <HEAD> tags - and *anything* in
>between them. The middle bit is the problem - how do I
>match "zero or more characters up to the point where you
>find </HEAD>"? Putting </HEAD> in parentheses and negating
>it with a carat seems to only work if there are no characters
>between in tags that appear in "</HEAD>". So
>will be stripped out fine, but
>gets left in. I know I must be just missing one control character,
>or have one in the wrong spot, but no reference material I've
>got seems to point it out. Anyone got any hints?
>- Gyrus
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