Well, the 'issue' (to put it mildly) that we experienced appeared to be one
of memory corruption.  We got inconsistent, very vague error messages,
sometimes referencing variable names from another application on the same
server.  The problems were very persistent, so if you haven't been having
problems already, you might be safe.  Unfortunately the patch is only for CF
Enterprise (we have Professional), so I resorted to copying all individual
structure keys to Request scope, and locking Session scoped queries before
looping throught them.

Marianne Daye

-----Original Message-----
From: gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 10:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Request Scope Questions

> Bare in mind that CF 4.5 had a.... um, 'issue' with Duplicate. You can
> download a hotfix for it though.

What was the issue?! I've got several sites live that are relying
on Duplicate for passing session vars to request scope, and
I'm not sure if the hosts have all the latest patches.

- Gyrus

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