Instead of building a string for your date and
applying CreateODBCDate() to it, try building a CF
Date object using CreateDate() and applying
CreateODBCDate() to it.

If I recall correctly, CreateODBCDate() works on a
date object, not a string.
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> I am getting the following Oracle error message when
> trying to run the query below, any ideas on the
> possible cause would be most appreciated
> ----------
> <cfset MonthsToDisplay = 2>
> <cfset BeginDate = "#Month(now())#/1/#Year(now())#">
> <cfset EndDate = "#Month(DateAdd("m",
> MonthsToDisplay,now()))#/#DaysInMonth(DateAdd("m",
> MonthsToDisplay,now()))#/#Year(DateAdd("m",
> MonthsToDisplay, now()))#">
> <cfquery name="getupcomingevents"
> datasource="events"> 
> SELECT eventid, eventdate, to_char(eventdate,'YYYY')
> AS eventYear, to_char(eventdate,'MM') AS eventMonth,
> longtitle, location 
> FROM whatson 
> WHERE eventdate BETWEEN
> trunc(#CreateODBCDate(BeginDate)#) AND
> trunc(#CreateODBCDate(EndDate)#) 
> ORDER BY eventdate asc 
> </cfquery> 
> -----------------
> Error Occurred While Processing Request
> Error Diagnostic Information
> Oracle Error Code = 911
> ORA-00911: invalid character 
> The error occurred while processing an element with
> a general identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying
> document position (12:1) to (12:54).

I-Lin Kuo
Macromedia CF5 Advanced Developer
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer

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